15 Easy Fast Healthy Dinner Recipes to Try (And Go Paleo) This Week
remembrance of our ancestors who ate what was in season without
modification, the Paleo diet focuses on a variety of nutritiously rich,
raw foods. This actively cuts out foods that tend to cause harm to the
body, like preservatives, artificial hormones, pesticides, and processed
sugars, grains, and meats. Some followers fully cut out dairy as well.
The Paleo diet is a great guideline to eat by because it encourages sticking to real foods without dangerous deficits or starving tactics. It can provide a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, carbs, and protein. Having that variation of nutrients leads to more energy, less fat storage, and potentially lowers the risk of disease.
Planning time to cook fresh meals can save a lot of frustration and help you stay on track with your choices. If you’re thinking about going paleo, here are 25 dinner recipes to smooth the transition!
is a fun dish that families love to share. You can use a seasoning mix
or create your own with unique spices, and fillings like vegetables,
pulled pork or chicken.
This recipe also uses coconut oil, a great source for healthy fats. The total prep and cook time is about 45 minutes to create 4 servings with 33 grams of protein.
you have an herb garden at home, this dish is the perfect use for your
rosemary, mint, and parsley. The preparation calls for some extra time,
about 30-45 minutes, to marinate the meat, though the actual cook time
is fairly quick.
You can utilize the time to prep some fresh veggies like the recipe recommends, perhaps some grilled or baked sweet potatoes. It creates 4 servings with 23 grams of protein.
~ Get the recipe here!
your kids don’t like veggies, this may be a fun way to sneak them in.
With a total prep and cook time of 40 minutes, the dish is also
relatively fast to make. Each servings contains 24 grams of protein and
14 grams of carbs.
This clever twist on traditional lasagna uses squash instead of pasta to keep your mind clear and your waistline happy!
While the recipe sounds delicious as it is, you can always supplement additional veggies or create a totally meat-free version.
You’ll need about an hour to complete the entire recipes, making up to 4 servings with 51 grams of protein and a rich portion of (healthy) carbs and fats.
up your weekend barbecue with this finger-licking-good favorite! The
ginger heats up the meat a tad, but not enough to be “spicy.”
You will need some extra time for these to get the smokey flavor- 4 hours to be exact. One serving contains 68 grams of protein and pairs well with grilled asparagus, sweet potatoes, or bell peppers.
pesto is one of my favorite things to make at home. Fresh Basil has
many health benefits including anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
properties. This recipe can also be used for chicken, steak, or eggplant
if you prefer a veggie option.
This warm and inviting dish is perfect for any season.
You could pair the pork with apples as in the recipe below, or substitute them for fresh summer peaches. All that’s left is some lightly sautéed green beans or carrots! Each pork serving contains about 46 grams of protein and only 15 grams of fat.
you’re short on time, these homemade meatballs can be prepared in 15
minutes and ready by the time you come home work. If possible, try to
use grass-fed beef to gain the healthiest benefits and rich protein.
The recipe makes 24 meatballs so there is plenty for a few servings, leftovers, or to bring for a snack at work.
go-to if you’re short on time, this recipe takes about 30 minutes to
complete 4 servings. You could use lettuce leaves for buns to stick to a
lower carb version.
A meat-free version can be created with substitutions like mushroom burgers or black bean and mixed veggie burgers, and swapping in vegan bacon.
As we get ready to welcome fall, this recipe may be one of your favorites to make ahead.
Squash is a great source for vitamins, helps calm the digestive system, and it keeps you satisfied for longer. You could also use smaller squash to create an appetizer platter and make a great impression at any get-together.
The total prep and cook time will take about an hour, and creates 4 servings with 47 grams of protein.
grandmother used to make this dish almost every week, though she used
heavy creams in her traditional southern style. This recipe uses coconut
milk, fresh herbs and mushrooms (not from a can!). Fresh Mushrooms
contain strong probiotic properties and can help balance natural
bacteria in your digestive tract.
for kids and adults alike, homemade chicken tenders are a winner in any
household. With an alternative breading and dipping sauce, this dish is
guilt-free and waistline friendly.
These are super easy to pack for work snacks or in the kid’s lunches. They require under 40 minutes to cook 4 servings, each with 48 grams of protein and 21 grams of fat.
only 10 grams of fat and 31 grams of protein, this recipe is great for
those working hard on a calorie deficit for weight loss or for those who
need to monitor their fat intake carefully.
Sweet potatoes are high in vitamins and provide digestive comfort. Fresh Cranberries are packed with vitamin C and help to cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract.
sweet and savory dish that’s perfect for party appetizers or prepping
for small meals. Balsamic Vinegar contains natural detoxing properties
and adds a tangy edge when baked or grilled into meat. It pairs well
with crisp greens or fresh tomatoes.
The Paleo diet is a great guideline to eat by because it encourages sticking to real foods without dangerous deficits or starving tactics. It can provide a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, carbs, and protein. Having that variation of nutrients leads to more energy, less fat storage, and potentially lowers the risk of disease.
Planning time to cook fresh meals can save a lot of frustration and help you stay on track with your choices. If you’re thinking about going paleo, here are 25 dinner recipes to smooth the transition!
1. (Beef) Stuffed Peppers

This recipe also uses coconut oil, a great source for healthy fats. The total prep and cook time is about 45 minutes to create 4 servings with 33 grams of protein.
2. Garlic & Herb Lamb Chops

You can utilize the time to prep some fresh veggies like the recipe recommends, perhaps some grilled or baked sweet potatoes. It creates 4 servings with 23 grams of protein.
~ Get the recipe here!
3. Steak Zucchini Boats

4. Butternut Squash Lasagna

While the recipe sounds delicious as it is, you can always supplement additional veggies or create a totally meat-free version.
You’ll need about an hour to complete the entire recipes, making up to 4 servings with 51 grams of protein and a rich portion of (healthy) carbs and fats.
5. Sweet Chili and Ginger Ribs

You will need some extra time for these to get the smokey flavor- 4 hours to be exact. One serving contains 68 grams of protein and pairs well with grilled asparagus, sweet potatoes, or bell peppers.
6. Pork Loin with Pesto Sauce

7. Apple-Cinnamon Pork Loin

You could pair the pork with apples as in the recipe below, or substitute them for fresh summer peaches. All that’s left is some lightly sautéed green beans or carrots! Each pork serving contains about 46 grams of protein and only 15 grams of fat.
8. Slow-Cooker Meatballs

The recipe makes 24 meatballs so there is plenty for a few servings, leftovers, or to bring for a snack at work.
9. BLT Burgers

A meat-free version can be created with substitutions like mushroom burgers or black bean and mixed veggie burgers, and swapping in vegan bacon.
10. Chicken & Pork Stuffed Squash

Squash is a great source for vitamins, helps calm the digestive system, and it keeps you satisfied for longer. You could also use smaller squash to create an appetizer platter and make a great impression at any get-together.
11. Chicken Korma with Cauliflower Rice
Korma hails from Asian-inspired roots and uses beautiful,
immune-boosting spices in a way that takes the edge of their somewhat
bitter flavors.
Cauliflower rice is more nutrient-dense than
traditional white rice, although brown or wild rice can be paired just
as well with this recipe.The total prep and cook time will take about an hour, and creates 4 servings with 47 grams of protein.
12. Country-Style Chicken & Mushrooms

13. Chicken Nuggets with Avocado-Cilantro Dipping Sauce

These are super easy to pack for work snacks or in the kid’s lunches. They require under 40 minutes to cook 4 servings, each with 48 grams of protein and 21 grams of fat.
14. Chicken & Cranberry Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are high in vitamins and provide digestive comfort. Fresh Cranberries are packed with vitamin C and help to cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract.
15. Balsamic Chicken Drumsticks

Why Am I Exhausted? The Real Causes and How to Fix It Forever
Do you say “I’m exhausted” all the time? Do you constantly feel exhausted for no reason?Fatigue shows up in many ways including pure exhaustion, the inability to concentrate, anger, frustration and behavioral issues, memory problems, decreased work performance, and slower reaction times. Chronic fatigue has also been linked to medical problems including obesity, hypertension, depression, diabetes, as well as increased automobile accidents.
We attempt to combat fatigue with coffee, sugar, energy drinks, vitamins and a variety of other products that claim to increase our energy and stamina. But what if your exhaustion is trying to tell you something?
If you’re getting enough sleep and you’re still feeling exhausted, it’s time to stop, take a step back and look at what else is contributing to your exhaustion.
As a life-coach and consultant with a diverse background, I like to look at things from a holistic view – from multiple levels – including your body, mind and spirit.
So before you reach for that next cup of coffee, the 3pm sugary snack or the toxic energy drink, let’s look at some other reasons why you might be tired all the time, and more importantly, what you can do about it.
Here are 11 potential reasons why you’re exhausted even when get enough rest, and what you can do about it.
1. You are out of alignment mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
Essentially, you’re off track with who you are and what works for you. Maybe you’re unhappy, unfulfilled, stressed out or just plain bored with some areas of your life. You might be in a relationship that isn’t working, a job you can’t stand or a situation that drains your energy.Think about a time in your life when you were in the flow, in the zone, and totally engaged and excited about what you were doing. How much sleep did you need then? Even after only a few hours, my guess is you probably found yourself jumping out of bed in the morning without an alarm clock, excited about embarking on the day.
On the flipside, think about a time in your life when you were in a relationship or job that zapped your energy. No matter how much sleep you got, you probably found it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and were tempted to hit that snooze button just a few more times.
We all have things that make us feel great and energized and things that completely zap our energy. Maybe you’re someone who likes to move quickly but you’re drowning in detail; maybe you’re someone who thrives when you are on top of things and you’re feeling like everything is completely out of control. Or maybe you thrive on spontaneity and variety and you’re bored with your life.
When I asked my 11-year-old daughter why she thought people are tired even when we get enough rest, here’s what she said.
“Maybe people are bored and so they’re tired.”Ever wonder why you can’t drag your kid out of bed for school on the weekdays but they pop out of bed on the weekend? Perhaps this is the culprit.
I had a client share this sentiment recently as she described a period of time in her life: “My boss sucked, the work was boring and it made me tired all the time.”
When you’re doing things that align with who you are, in environments that align with what you need, you will feel more energized and alive. On the contrary, when you’re in environments that go against your grain, you will feel drained and de-energized.
What can you do?
Take a step back and identify what’s not working. Figure out what you want and work towards it. Do things that give you energy.What makes you feel healthy and alive, energized and excited? What gets you in the flow and makes you feel most like you? Aim to get more of that in your life.
Find more ways to be in alignment with who you are with these tips:
How to Get Motivated and Be Happy Every Day When You Wake Up
2. You are out of alignment physically.
When we are structurally out of alignment, it can cause all sorts of issues. When things aren’t moving properly, it makes it hard for your body to do its job. Not to mention, pain is exhausting and zaps energy. And we are pretty hard on our bodies, aren’t we? We drag them around and tell them what to do. They need to be taken care of too.Here’s what Chiropractor, Dr. Ruth Ziemba, who specializes in NSA (Network Spinal Analysis) has to say:
All of life is energy. We are energy. Any disturbance or blockages to the energy flow creates imbalances… Physical, mental and emotional stressors can cause subluxations (misalignment of the vertebrae) which interfere with signals getting clearly through your body. This can result in many health problems, including fatigue and insomnia.Recently, I was feeling tired all the time – and felt like I was doing “everything else” right. So, I went to see my chiropractor and a cranial sacral therapist. Two days later, I felt much more energized and clear in my head.
I love the analogy I was once given by a chiropractor: “It doesn’t matter how well you can play an instrument if the instrument is out of tune.”
Such is true with our bodies.
What can you do?
Get some body work. This might include getting a massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, reiki, cranial sacral therapy – anything that works for you.Don’t know where to start? Ask a friend or colleague for a recommendation. Even better if you have a friend in the field who can refer you to another practitioner. And make sure to schedule regular body work, not just when you need it.
3. You are not eating right (or enough).
What – and how much – you eat has a significant effect on your energy levels.While there are many different diet protocols, there is one thing all the experts can agree on: sugar and processed foods make you feel sluggish and exhausted. They make your blood sugar go haywire, causing you to feel a brief period of energy followed by a crash.
Paradoxically, those are the very things we reach for when we need a hit of energy.
What can you do?
I’ve found two things to be consistently true:One, you need to eat real, clean food. The food you’re putting into your body is either real or it’s not. Avoid processed foods and especially refined sugars. You’re going to feel so much better for it.
Two, find what works for YOU. Gluten-free, Paleo, Mediterranean, high-fat, plant-based, you name it. Experts and well-meaning friends and family may tell you what’s best, but no one knows your body as well as you do. Pay attention, do you feel energized or fatigued after you eat certain foods? What works – and what doesn’t for YOU? Our bodies have intrinsic wisdom if we are willing to listen – and hear them.
4. You are not really sleeping.
We’ve established that you’re (hopefully) getting enough sleep. But are you getting enough high-quality sleep?Some of the top causes of poor sleep quality include: being on electronics right before bed, interruptions, an uncomfortable mattress or the wrong pillow, grinding your teeth, an inconsistent sleep routine or the fact that you’re not getting through all of the sleep cycles.
What can you do?
Start with the basics:Get off your electronics at least an hour before bed, make sure you have a comfortable pillow and mattress, set a consistent sleep routine, reduce outside noise and sleep in a well-darkened room or wear an eye mask.
If you have difficulty falling asleep or have poor sleep quality, this guide will help you get a good night’s sleep back:
Poor Sleep Quality Comes from All the Things You Do Since Morning
5. You are stressed or worrying too much.
When you’re stressed, you produce more cortisol (the stress hormone), which can significantly affect your sleep.[1] This is why one of the common side effects of stress is sleep problems.On top of stress hormones, excessive worry can drain your energy. When you worry, you’re using energy. It’s like when you have an app on your phone that takes up a lot of battery and you have it constantly running the background, your battery will drain more quickly. Such is true with worry and stress.
I think of this very simply. We all start the day with 100 units of energy to use throughout the day. If you’re using half of your energy units worrying, you’re inevitably going to be tired.
What can you do?
Find things that reduce your stress levels. I’ve seen clients have great success with yoga, meditation and exercise. Worrying too much? Get a clear plan in place to take action on what’s worrying you.6. You are not breathing deeply enough.
Deep breathing increases circulation by bringing oxygen to your muscles and brain. This increased oxygen content in the bloodstream leads to greater energy and healthier muscles, organs and tissues.To highlight the benefits of deep breathing, I reached out to longtime Yoga Instructor & Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, Vivica Schwartz. Here’s what she shared:[2]
“Most people breathe in to the chest only (shallow breathing) and don’t allow the breath to reach deeper into the abdominal region, due to stress and anxiety. Shifting the breath down, so that it expands the belly (and all the muscles that comprise the diaphragm) is one of the best ways to shift our awareness, quiet the mind, release tension and increase our energy levels”.What happened when you started to read this one? Did you start breathing more deeply? Great, you’re already on your way.
What can you do?
Make a conscious effort to breathe deeply, more often. Try this from Vivica:- Place one hand on your chest and the other on your lower belly.
- Breath smoothly in and out through the nose, noticing how your breath expands three-dimensionally in the ribcage.
- Now begin to shift the inhalation into the lower abdomen first, so that the lower hand rises first, then fill the chest area.
- Reverse the process on the exhalation, emptying the chest area first, then the lower belly.
- Continue like this for a few rounds, visualizing the diaphragm contracting and pushing down and expanding the belly area.
7. You are hanging out with the wrong crowd.
Have you ever known someone who “sucks the life out of you”? After spending time together, you feel tired, drained and exhausted? “Energy vampires” do just that, they suck your energy. It doesn’t matter how much sleep you’re getting; if you’re spending time with people who drain your energy, you’re going to feel tired.What can you do?
Grab some garlic and your stake and ditch the energy vampires. Make a conscious effort to hang out with people who feed your soul and make you feel energized and alive.If you need a little help to spot these people out
8. You are not moving.
There’s been a lot of research conducted over many years that shows physical activity and exercise improves energy and decreases fatigue.In a widely acknowledged 2006 study published in Psychological Bulletin, researchers analyzed 70 studies on exercise and fatigue which involved more than 6,800 people. Over 90% of the studies showed the same thing: Sedentary people who completed a regular exercise program reported improved fatigue compared to those that did not exercise.
What can you do?
Get moving! Find ways to increase your exercise and movement. General guidelines are 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity (or a combination of the two). This can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking 20 minutes a day or participating in a sport you enjoy.9. You are dehydrated.
The human body is composed of 50-65% water. Some parts of our bodies, like our brain, heart and lungs are more than 70% water. This means even mild dehydration can cause your energy levels to fall.Fatigue is a telltale sign you are dehydrated. In fact, in a survey of 300 doctors in the UK, 1 in 5 patients who saw their doctor for symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness simply weren’t drinking enough water.
What can you do?
First and foremost, drink enough water. A simple rule of thumb is eight 8-ounce glasses per day. And before you reach for your coffee in the morning, reach for a glass of water first.However, Doctor and hydration expert Dr. Zach Bush noted,
“Proper hydration is not simply infusing your body with water. More specifically, it’s about getting the water inside your cells. To do that, you need to improve the electrical charges across your cellular membranes. Strategies that improve the electrical charge across your membranes include: reducing EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure, increasing electrolytes, and boosting your fiber intake.”So, try this intensive hydration protocol: Drink 4 ounces of water every 30 minutes from 7am-7pm for 3 days. During this intense hydration, add electrolytes to every other 4-ounce dose. Then give your body a break from food and water between 7pm and 7am.
Learn more about intracellular hydration with Dr. Bush here .
10. You are too busy.
You know the saying, “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” I say, leave the busy person alone. They clearly have enough on their plate.I work with many clients, especially moms, who wonder why they are so tired all the time. When I ask them to tell me about “a day in their life”, I get something like this: 6am wake-up , exercise, get the kids off to school, work, drive to after-school activities, get dinner on the table, do hosework, coordinate schedules, bath and bed time (for the kids of course), and then back to work after the kids go to bed. And they wonder why they are tired?
I get it. I’ve been there and I have to be careful of this myself. As a working mom of three young girls, who also wants to be social and active in my community, I know all too well the life of being busy. I’ve had to reign it in, create strategies and make very conscious decisions.
What can you do?
Look at your life as an outside observer or “fly on the wall”. What do you notice? Maybe you need to learn to say no? Perhaps you need to take a step back and identify what’s most important? Or set better boundaries?Perhaps you need to delegate more, outsource or just get some stuff off YOUR plate! Take just ONE thing and start from there.
If you want extra advice on this, check out this guide
11. There is something else going on.
If you’ve tried everything above, you are getting enough sleep and you are still tired, you may want to see your doctor or healthcare professional to uncover any underlying issues.Amongst other things, what leads to exhaustion could be medication side effects and other health concerns including thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, anemia and sleep apnea.
What can you do?
Talk to your doctor. Seriously. Make an appointment.If you’re sleeping enough and doing all the “right” things above and you still feel tired, it’s important to identify what could be the cause.
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